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The most positive person on the planet.
People don’t agree on religion, certainly not on politics, the doctor believes there is not a person on the planet that can argue that positive thinking is not healthy or beneficial.
That is his mission to pollinate positivity through his Be Fantastic philosophy. 

Be Fantastic International is an American Corporation who's goal is to promote kindness through the Be Fantastic Philosophy. Three commitments to kindness which we feel can make the world a better place.

We have private stock for sale at $.20 (20 cents USD).

Dr. Fantastic is on a World tour promoting the Philosophy by giving speeches to schools, companies and Gov't agencies. L.M.Cook III, the founder of Be Fantastic International was affectionately nicknamed Dr. Fantastic because he has the presciption for a happier and longer life.

Below are the Articles of Incorporation. Feel free to contact him if you have any questions. His bio is on

"What you want to be, you can be. Be Fantastic!"

The Vast Majority Of People When Asked How They Are Respond With “I’m Good” Or With “I’m Well” , “Very Well”, “OK” , “Fine” “All Right” , ” Not Too Bad ” Or “Can’t Complain” Only The Most Positive People Respond With “I’m Fantastic” Which Group Are You In?

If you understand the theorum “I think there for I am” then we suggest you answer by saying “I’m Fantastic”. It makes other people laugh or smile which is paying forward positive energy. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, be fantastic, its easy.

Saying I’m Fantastic is the only response that puts a smile on your face, smiling releases nueral transmitters called neuropeptides which make you fell good and reduce stress. The neural transmitters are Dopamine, Endorphines and Seratonin.

Join our BE FANTASTIC philosophy by subscribing our  You Tube show ‘Uplifting Interviews with Total Strangers’.

On our channel you will find motivational advice from our host L. Monte Cook III and great interviews from people in all walks of life. It’s educational, funny, interesting, motivational and uplifting.

L. Monte Cook III was born in Beverly Hills, then raised in a beatnik commune in the hills of Healdsburg and after his parents passed away at age 11 was put into a home in middle class America, Canoga Park in the San Fernando Valley.

He ran away from his foster home at 17 and hitch hiked through dozens of states and dozens of countries on his own for his education. He graduated from the school of hard knocks summa cum laude in 1972.

To date he has worked in 81 different professions, marketing, construction, sales, production and post production to name a few.

He has combined the knowledge and experience from those trades, his world travels, being a grand father of ten and having met tens of thousands of people including the richest and the poorest in the world to become what he is today, and a philosopher .

He has created two charities, one for Veterans ( ) and one for the world (, his novel Lester’s Legacy and script of the same name have been well received in the industry.

His movement, Be Fantastic has helped thousands of people to become better people. Fantastic people are kind, considerate, friendly, polite, courteous and civil. Governments and corporations are not going to make the world a better place, it must come from within each one of us individually by becoming Fantastic people. Its actually easier than you think, replace the word GOOD with the word FANTASTIC every day, the words definition means Unimaginably good and beautiful.

Good will get you no where.

He is available for speaking engagements, personal motivational sessions and to speak at schools to introduce children the art of positivity.
Please help make the world a better place by being Fantastic, you will look better, live longer and never be forgotten.

Be Fantastic!